Before understanding "Why Ayurveda", one must know "What is Ayurveda"?. Ayurveda is a completely nature friendly science for maintaining health and treating diseases. Ayurveda is based on Pancha Mahabhoota Sidhanta( five element concept- Prithvi-Earth or all solid forms , Ap-water or all liquid forms, Teja-fire or all forms of heat, Vayu - Air or gases or moving energy, Akasha -space), Tridosha Sidhanta (Three humors) and Loka - Purusha -samanya sidhanta( The theory of similarity of Universe and Human beings or Creatures).Ayurveda is also a science based on Indian scientific laws. It follows the scientific rules in all aspects. Science when defined we get this definition- observation , identification, description, experimental , investigation and theoretical explanation of a natural phenomena. In case of Ayurveda, all the ideas are framed after proper experimental studies based on Indian scientific laws.
Ayurveda is witnessing a great revival worldwide with thousands of people looking for a holistic, sustainable, safe and effective form of treatment. India, being the birthplace of Ayurveda, has a lot to offer to the world in the treatment of various types of disease - even those labelled incurable by modern science. There are several advantages of going for Ayurvedic treatment, some of them are explained below.
Ayurveda is not a system of healing that provides only relief from symptoms. It aims to restore health by working on the underlying causes of the disease. So, you will hear a lot about detoxification, cleansing, strengthening and rejuvenation in Ayurveda. It's a simple science based on a common sense approach, a rare commodity in today's world.
The factors which can maintain normalcy, increase and decrease the rate of functions of body and mind are called Doshas. The concept of Dosha is very important in Ayurveda . In Ayurveda three dosas are there , VATA, PITTA & KAPHA .That humor which generates movement or control movement is called Vata, that which makes transformations is called as Pitta , the heat related humor and all the solid and liquid elements in the body, which provides stability is called Kapha. Three dosha concept also follow Panchamahabhuta Sidhanta.
We human beings are made of same entities as of Universe.The human life is copy of Universe . According to Indian science and Ayurveda , It states that , what all this Universe has, a human being also posses it , consider the Pancha Mahabhoota sidhanta here, both have solid entities, liquids, heat, air and space . Universe always interacts with human beings, when the interation is normal we call it as health and when it is abnormal we call it as a disease.
Ayurveda considers the body and mind together, while considering an individual. According to Ayurveda, the medicines and mental strength together cures diseases. Ayurveda consider human body as a single unit while planning a treatment or considering an individual. As an example- for a person with stomach ache the health condition of that particular individual is assessed completely ( mentally and physically) The designed treatment will end up only after attaining complete health. Ayurveda is nothing magical, it only explains some measures to be taken to stay healthy always.
Ayurveda explains the effects of wholesome as well as unwholesome acts and teaches us to follow the wholesome methods. Ayurveda categories diseases into Sadhya (curable) and Asadhya (non-curable)
All diseases are not curable , all the medical sciences approve this fact , Ayurveda has a perfect order of curable as well as non - curable diseases. The disorders which are controllable are placed under Non-curable category. Shodana and shamana are the two methods of treatment used in Ayurveda. Shodana method expels the vitiated factors completely out of the body and shamana method pacifies the vitiated humors within the body. Ayurveda also has diet plans for different conditions. The diagnosis is made by properly after understanding the Prakriti (constitution) and Vikriti ( Vitiation) of an individual. This system of medicine expels or pacifies the root cause of the disease through application nature friendly measures.
Treating a disease or maintaining health through nature friendly measures are followed in Ayurveda. The diagnosis is made only after proper mental as well as physical assessment. The shodana method of curing in Ayurveda helps in expelling the root cause completely from the body. In general, Ayurveda is a gift to mankind, including safe and natural treatment methods. So follow Ayurveda for a complete natural friendly and healthy lifestyle. The care and cure of body and mind naturally can only be assured by this great science named Ayurveda.
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